Bird Deterrent Spikes

Stop Birds From Landing and Roosting

Bird spikes prevent birds from making your home their home. The spikes repel seagulls, crows, pigeons and similar birds of equal size. Plastic and stainless steel bird spikes are quick and easy to install. Once in place, the installation is permanent and needs no maintenance.

What Makes Bird Spikes So Effective?

Bird spikes immediately repel perching birds from rooftops, ledges, windowsills, fences, parapets and any other surfaces that local birds have grown fond of. The simplicity of the bird spike design is what makes it such an effective bird deterrent.

Do Bird Spikes Hurt Birds?

Bird spikes are not designed to hurt birds. In fact, they have dull, blunt points to prevent injury. Rather, bird spikes create an uncomfortable barrier on surfaces that encourages birds to go somewhere else. The spikes are spaced closely together in a way that prevents larger birds from landing and gaining a foothold on a surface. If a bird’s feet can’t reach the surface, it can’t roost. The pins of the spikes create a visual and physical barrier that denies birds access to ledges and other preferred perching spots. As a result, the birds will seek out more desirable roosting accommodations.

bird deterrent spikes

Bird Spikes Features and Benefits

Quality Control

All of our bird spikes conform to the highest industry standards. We use durable, high-quality materials including UV stabilized plastic and weather-resistant stainless steel. Our bird spike devices are built to last.

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